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TRESS!!! Let's Plant Them

Our little blue planet is actually pretty green! As it is covered by forest. Forests aren't just full of tress-they're teeming with all kinds of life by providing - home to over half of the world's land-based animal and plant species, and also to millions of humans, fuel and income for around a billion people, producing the life gas (oxygen) and regulating temperature and rainfall around the world.

Other than this fact about the amazing green cover of our blue planet; there is also an artifact that it reveals the hidden secrets of itself every year by unveiling the treasure of the wide varieties of species that it contains within itself.

Our planet has already lost 40% of its forest from 3 centuries as we are losing 33000 sq km each year according to WWF. Waoo isn't it a big number? We all always say one thing in our minds atleast once when we read such articles; and that simple sentence is “I will plant one tree” but are we doing it? Are we taking this as a serious issue or just this sentence remains as a sentence and not converted to an action? Here are some facts I would like to focus on because of DEFORESTATION..

When large areas are deforested, either by natural drying because of climate or razed for commercial reasons, it is unhealthy for all the life on Earth. As the emission of Carbon Dioxide and addition of Greenhouse gases mounts for global warming.

Along with the advancement of Global Warming; deforestation also alarms for the extinction of few species whose existence is still unknown. Deforestation leads to render many animals homeless. Not only animals but also the beautiful butterflies, insects, reptiles, etc. The food of most of the animals are taken away as we take away tress from forest.

A best example in India is the violence created by wild pigs and tigers once the sun sets in the Devbhumi also known as "The Land of the Gods" (Uttrakhand). Landslide and flooding have also become a serious issue in Uttrakhand. What according to you might be the reason for such a state of Devbhumi? Is it the animals themselves or the rain which is occurring from years? Or is it the DEFORESTATION happening since years?

Like Uttrakhand there are many other places on Earth which are severely affected by DEFORESTATION. Dear friends, let us move one step ahead to add a beauty of GREEN to our blue planet. As many of us simply think and won’t react to plant a tree. So, here's an initiation taken by Environment Lovers Group. What we want you to do is to mail us ( your mailing address and we would send a beautiful plant at your door step with your name encrypted on a board. Why board

with your name on it? It’s simple its one step taken by you to make our place a better on.

Lets make a difference.. and let the difference begins from today..

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